Vol.1 Iss. 12 How to live successfully raw with your kids NOT living in the tropics
Posted by Ka Sundance on Tuesday, May 25, 2010
How to live raw successfully with your kids NOT living in the tropics
We were overwhelmed by the feedback we received regarding the last e-Zine. The feature article was about the importance of old, tropical fully ripened organic fruits. (old? sounds rotten) (mature sounds better?)
Because these fruits are hard to get in the northern part of the world, and not everybody has the money to order them individually, we want to give you some options and solutions today.
Once more: In our opinion based on our personal experience raising 3 kids on a raw food diet, the ideal diet looks like this:
Like I said above:
1.Fully ripened tropical fruits like durian, jackfruit, coconut, sapotes, …
2.dark green leafy vegetables (especially in the form of wild edibles, and other wild greens)
5.high quality fat and protein sources like hemp, flax, avocado and raw olives
The problem in the raw food world is that there is often a lack of honesty. (or integrity)
People tell us that they have wild edibles and the fruits we mentioned above, but when I ask them very precisely about their diet, and the diet of their children, it often comes out that they do NOT eat exactly the way they pretend to.
You need to be very honest with yourself, for the sake of your health, and the health of your children. What does your everyday diet REALLY look like? If you do not have a balance of these 5 components above, we need to look for alternatives.
This is what this article is all about.
We want to show you alternatives and solutions, so that you can go as raw as you want, and be sure that you are doing the very best for your children.
We are fans of (We support) the natural way of living life. We know that it is possible to live 100% raw and thrive!
But if you are in a situation where you cannot access the resources we described here, we need to advise you to add some superfoods, and even some supplements to your diet.
On top of that it is even more important to go outside into nature every day!
If you cannot put the best parts of nature inside your body, then your body needs to go outside and be immersed in the best parts of nature.
Just spending time outside with your children will stimulate your immune power. It will help to connect with the energies of nature that are very important to becoming healthy. These energies do not reach us inside our concrete floor houses.
It is also much easier when you go outside to really look for wild edibles and harvest some of nature's most precious treasures while walking through the woods.
Get as much sunshine as possible.
If you have only limited access to sunshine because of long winters and cold periods, please soak up the sun as much as possible.
Kids seem to feel that, and want to act on that with their instincts. (feel what? act on what? Feel the value of the sunshine? or they feel the sunshine?)
You see kids get undressed all over the world when it gets warm.
Sunlight on your skin is just another form of connecting with the strong powers of nature, which not only provide us with the gift of Vitamin D, but much more. Sunlight nourishes us and our little loved ones on a cellular, emotional and spiritual level.
More and more research has been providing us with facts about the connection between sunlight and health.
Create spaces where kids can just play without being interrupted by our strange adult world so often. In the tropics they can have this kind of feeling so much more.
There are less rules here, more space and freedom, and they can just explore the interesting aspects of life more freely.
Try to create a space for your kids, where they can do this.
Again, nature is the best playground for that. They can run around, shout and dance, make noise and a bloody mess, get real dirty and so much more, which is forbidden or restricted in most “civilised” areas of our crazy adult world.
As funny as this may sound, this will help your children become more healthy. Kids need this space. They need nature and they need the sun!
On top of that I also want to recommend some superfoods here.
The number one superfood for us is coconut. Coconut is probably one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The coconut water IS probably the most nutritional water on earth!
It is possible to get this water. At least in the UK I know of a company that sells coconut water.
Please try Marine Phytoplankton. This superfood is also very powerful. It has more than 70 trace minerals, and over 30 vitamins in it!
There is more stuff like maca, organic raw honey, bee pollen, hemp and flax seeds, goji berries, algaes and much more, but these are the major ones.
There is one other superfood worth mentioning here. It is called Mila and is a blend of chia seeds. (blended with what?) These seeds are an ancient food here in Central America, and we want to promote them here as well, because they have the highest amount of Omega 3 (EFA) of all foods on earth.
Omega 3 is especially important for your children. They need it to build healthy new cells, and to build muscles, bones, cells and their brains. (brains because children is plural) Mila is also high in vitamins, |antioxidants and is very powerful for those of you who do not get enough quality greens!
You can have a look at our website here, to get more information about this “new” superfood, at http://www.therawfodfamily.com/mila which will be better known all around the raw food world very soon.
I hope you now have a better feeling and understanding for what you can do to succeed on a raw food diet together with your kids.
It is all good, and we want to help you. (People commonly say: It's all good. Not it is)
Please contact us, if you still have any questions.
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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all their simple secrets and insights to help your family become more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at http://www.therawfoodfamily.com
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