Vol.2 Iss. 13 3 reasons to let go of a 100% raw food diet with your kids
May 25, 2010
3 reasons to let go of a 100% raw food diet
Life is a constant, floating circle of change.
That includes all areas of life. That means that there isn't only one single truth that applies to all humans, to the whole universe, but that there are many truths. And they are all true.
The same principles apply to our diet. Raw food is just one truth, one way.
It is a truth, but there are many others.
Even though we are the Rawfoodfamily, and we believe that, when done correctly, the raw food diet is probably the optimal diet for us humans, we need to be real about it.
If we talk about eating it "correctly,” we are talking about fully ripened “old” tropical fruits like jackfruit, durians, coconuts, cherimoyas, mangos and so on.
Here comes the first reality check and shock.
Most of the people, families and children out there do not have access to these kinds of fruits. The second aspect of doing the raw food diet “correctly” has to do with greens.
We all need at least between 750 gr and 1.0 kilo of dark green leafy vegetables EACH DAY!
Especially our children are in desperate need of these foods. They provides us with vitamins, minerals and loads of high quality proteins and EFAs.
Do you and your children eat that many greens every day?
And if you do not have both of the things we are talking about here (fully ripe, old tropical fruits, and about 1 kilo of greens) we do NOT recommend going 100% raw, or even trying to become raw!!
We really need to be realistic. There is so much misleading information out there, and with this article we are taking a very clear position.
You can still be on a very high raw diet, if you add lots of high potency superfoods to your diet and add supplements during the wintertime. But we need to pull the plug on the sacred status of the 100% raw food diet.
So many people have this high goal. For most of us it is too high, unrealistic, and ... yeah I have to say it: unhealthy!
Only 3-5 % of the human population has access to the kinds of foods you need to really deeply thrive on this pure diet.
The rest of us need to think of alternatives, or import all the good fruits from tropical areas, which costs a lot of money.
If you are willing to invest that kind of money and live with the consequences of the environmental problems caused by transporting and packing your food, it is still possible and good.
But for the majority of us, we need to be practical about what we are capable of doing.
This was a huge realisation we had in the last few months, when we experienced for ourselves what a big difference there is between the food you have access to in North Europe, the USA and Canada, and the paradisal tropical belt around the earth.
We see and feel the difference very strongly when we watch our children.
The food accessible in Europe and the USA is not suitable for going 100% raw.
So we honestly want you to feel comfortable adding some cooked food to your diet, if you do not belong to the small group of fortunate ones with a lot of money or living in a tropical country.
If you are eating or transforming to a high raw diet, cut out refined sugar, white flour, red meat and highly processed food and junk food. If you do, you and your kids will feel and become sooo healthy!
This is a goal you can reach, and it will change and transform your kids, your family and you!
Just go with the flow, take it easy and enjoy the food you eat to the max. Benny, our oldest, is back to eating some cooked food, maybe once a week or every two weeks, after being 100% raw in United Kingdom.
Even though we have access to all the tropical wonders of nature here, he still asks for it from time to time, and we totally support him in following and exploring his desires.
He hasn't changed. He is still healthy and vibrant.
He still eats mostly raw and is part of The Rawfoodfamily.
It isn't a lot of cooked food and it's very simple, like a little rice with some steamed veggies.
I want to share this with you, to show you that we aren't living a dogma, and we don't even think we should. It will change. It always does.
Life is a constant, floating circle of change.
It's all good.
Feel free to use it, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all their simple secrets and insights to help your family become more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at HYPERLINK "http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/"http://www.therawfoodfamily.com
WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? HYPERLINK "http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/blog"http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/blog
Life is a constant, floating circle of change.
That includes all areas of life. That means that there isn't only one single truth that applies to all humans, to the whole universe, but that there are many truths. And they are all true.
The same principles apply to our diet. Raw food is just one truth, one way.
It is a truth, but there are many others.
Even though we are the Rawfoodfamily, and we believe that, when done correctly, the raw food diet is probably the optimal diet for us humans, we need to be real about it.
If we talk about eating it "correctly,” we are talking about fully ripened “old” tropical fruits like jackfruit, durians, coconuts, cherimoyas, mangos and so on.
Here comes the first reality check and shock.
Most of the people, families and children out there do not have access to these kinds of fruits. The second aspect of doing the raw food diet “correctly” has to do with greens.
We all need at least between 750 gr and 1.0 kilo of dark green leafy vegetables EACH DAY!
Especially our children are in desperate need of these foods. They provides us with vitamins, minerals and loads of high quality proteins and EFAs.
Do you and your children eat that many greens every day?
And if you do not have both of the things we are talking about here (fully ripe, old tropical fruits, and about 1 kilo of greens) we do NOT recommend going 100% raw, or even trying to become raw!!
We really need to be realistic. There is so much misleading information out there, and with this article we are taking a very clear position.
You can still be on a very high raw diet, if you add lots of high potency superfoods to your diet and add supplements during the wintertime. But we need to pull the plug on the sacred status of the 100% raw food diet.
So many people have this high goal. For most of us it is too high, unrealistic, and ... yeah I have to say it: unhealthy!
Only 3-5 % of the human population has access to the kinds of foods you need to really deeply thrive on this pure diet.
The rest of us need to think of alternatives, or import all the good fruits from tropical areas, which costs a lot of money.
If you are willing to invest that kind of money and live with the consequences of the environmental problems caused by transporting and packing your food, it is still possible and good.
But for the majority of us, we need to be practical about what we are capable of doing.
This was a huge realisation we had in the last few months, when we experienced for ourselves what a big difference there is between the food you have access to in North Europe, the USA and Canada, and the paradisal tropical belt around the earth.
We see and feel the difference very strongly when we watch our children.
The food accessible in Europe and the USA is not suitable for going 100% raw.
So we honestly want you to feel comfortable adding some cooked food to your diet, if you do not belong to the small group of fortunate ones with a lot of money or living in a tropical country.
If you are eating or transforming to a high raw diet, cut out refined sugar, white flour, red meat and highly processed food and junk food. If you do, you and your kids will feel and become sooo healthy!
This is a goal you can reach, and it will change and transform your kids, your family and you!
Just go with the flow, take it easy and enjoy the food you eat to the max. Benny, our oldest, is back to eating some cooked food, maybe once a week or every two weeks, after being 100% raw in United Kingdom.
Even though we have access to all the tropical wonders of nature here, he still asks for it from time to time, and we totally support him in following and exploring his desires.
He hasn't changed. He is still healthy and vibrant.
He still eats mostly raw and is part of The Rawfoodfamily.
It isn't a lot of cooked food and it's very simple, like a little rice with some steamed veggies.
I want to share this with you, to show you that we aren't living a dogma, and we don't even think we should. It will change. It always does.
Life is a constant, floating circle of change.
It's all good.
Feel free to use it, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all their simple secrets and insights to help your family become more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at HYPERLINK "http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/"http://www.therawfoodfamily.com
WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? HYPERLINK "http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/blog"http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/blog
Posted by Ka Sundance.