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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka want to share all their simple secrets and insights to help your family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at www.therawfoodfamily.com



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Vol. 2 Iss. 11 Why you need access to fully ripe organic fruits to thrive on the raw food diet together with your children

May 25, 2010
Why you need access to fully ripe organic fruits to thrive on the raw food diet together with your children

We all want the best for our children. And of course there is nothing less than that what they deserve.
After having the comparison of living long term in 2 worlds, we need to share some of our observations with you.
We come from northern Europe and did spent most winters there. But since we became raw almost 5 years ago, we managed to spend 3 out of these 5 winters in the tropics.
And we did not only spend a 2 weeks holiday there, but many months.
2005-2006 we have been in Thailand and Australia, 2007-2008 we spend the winter on the Canary Islands located at North-West Africa and 2009-2010 – as most of you know -we were in Thailand.
And because we experienced such a huuuuge difference in how we felt and thrived we need to share this with you.
We just always felt so much better being somewhere warm! And of course it is partly exactly because of this fact. It is warm, you have access to sunlight, are close to nature, and the kids could run a round naked on the beach. This is one aspect, which helps a lot to be more healthy. But there is  another aspect, and this aspect is what I want to talk about here: It is about the quality of the food.
The raw food in warm countries is just so much better!
This is something I was not so aware of being in the cold winter, but being back in the tropics I just see, how much more we, and especially the kids, shine and thrive having all that fully ripe tropical fruits.
The most important differences are:
1.The variety. You have access to many, many different fruits and can alternate them, which makes sense from the nutritional point of view. Different fruits offer different nutrients, and so we can provide a wide spectrum of them to our children.
2.They are ripe! All of the fruits you can get in the supermarket in the northern hemisphere are picked unripe and green. They lack nutrients, because their connection to the mother tree to mother earth has been cut too early for them to store the amount of nutrients they should have.
The fruits in the tropics have had the honor and pleasure to stay on their trees and bushes as long as possible, before they joyfully were received by us. This is evident.
This is important.
You have access to more nutrients, eating in the tropics. This is essential for our kids. Some of the green picked fruits delivered to the USA, Canada and Northern Europe are even toxic in their unripe state.
3.They are local grown. This is also a fact that just makes so sense. We should eat where we live and eat what lives around us. We absorb the energy and the nutrients from the land we walk, eat and love on, and create a wonderful circle of life which is natural, ecological and the most healthy way of consuming food, not only for us and our children on a physical, and spiritual level, but also on a much bigger scale, on a environmental and global level.

Do you get a sense now, how important it is to have access to these kind of fruits?
The good part is: You can still have them, no matter where you live. There are various high quality distributors on the internet, which will offer you exactly these kind of fruits I am talking about here.
In Europe there is for example www.orkos.com
But you need to be aware of one thing: This costs money. Money you need to invest, if you want healthy children! If you want to go 100% raw, or even high raw, you need to invest in good food. If you can not afford to buy good food for yourself and your little loved ones, we do NOT recommend eating or even thinking about eating 100% raw!

You will not gain the health level you are looking for by ignoring the facts we write about here.
These ripe exotic fruits are essential for growth and health of your children.
On top of these fruits, you need to take extra care during long and cold winters.
We are no friends of supplements at all, because we believe that you can live and thrive only on natural food, and sunshine but if you live somewhere really cold, things become different.
We recommend taking B12 supplements, Vitamin D for sunlight supplementation and Vitamin K2 if you are eating vegan.
Taking all this into account, it was such an obvious decision for us to move closer to where our food is living.
But as I said: You can still be successfully raw with your kids, if you take the things to your heart, which have been mentioned here!
All the best for you and your kids.

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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your  family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the  free articles at www.therawfoodfamily.com

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Vol.2 Iss. 10 Why it is so important the have information about the raw food diet when you have children

May 25, 2010
Why it is so important the have information about the raw food diet when you have children

We all want the best for our children. Especially when you think about increasing the level of your diet towards more living food, you are a parent who is even more aware of this.
The problem is, that there are so many different styles, diets and beliefs out there what the best way is.
Especially when you come from a place, where you are not fully confident with what you do, and want to improve the qualit...
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