Volume 1 Issue 5 How to deal with social pressure when going raw with your children
December 7, 2009
In this issue
1.What is the Rawfoodfamily up to?
2.Featured Article:
3.Katie Recommends: Brand new e-book :Raising Rawfood Children
What is the Rawfoodfamily up to ?
We have settled down in heaven.
After such a long time waiting we finally really arrived in our raw food paradise. Our diet has changed here, because we have this abundance in exotic tropical fruits we have to enjoy to the max right now.
We are in the warm sea first thing after waking up, and have a coconut with green juice afterwards. We enjoy durian, jackfruit, tamarindes, rambutan, sapotes and much more wonderful fruits during the day, until we have a salad with a light dressing for dinner.
We are in the fresh air, close to nature all the time, have warm sun on our skin, and our bungalow is about 15 meters away from the warm sea, so that the kids can go there themselves.
No need to dress or clean them, because we are in the ocean several times a day, cleaning happens very naturally, and we all wear only shorts anyway.
It is so fair and good for the kids, to be in this environment. They can play all day - no cars are here in our bungalow complex, and we do not have to interrupt them, or tell them what clothes to wear, or to behave in any way. They can just be and enjoy to be.
And this is sooo good not only or them but also for us parents, because we can also be more easy and relaxed letting our kids be how they want.
So it is all so good where we are at right now, and we intend to stay longer in our bungalow right at the beach, because we feel so wonderful here.
From now on - I Ka Sundance- will publish this e-Zine because Katie is busy with other projects. But of course Katie is still part of what I write, and also influencing the articles.
My new TV-Show called www.RawSecrets.TV has started and received a very good feedback so far.
I am also working on his Raw Transformation Retreat in Thailand, and there are still seats available. Come and join us and make the transformation of your lifetime come true!
Love and Sunshine Katie and Ka
Feature Article: How to deal with social pressure when going raw.
This is a very difficult and complicated subjects for raw food families, or raw mums with their children. The pressure that lays upon us from family, friends and socitey itself can be hard and strong, Even for us adults who made a personal and concious decision, this can be sometimes too hard, and I have seen some that were going back eating cooked food because of this pressure.
But it is even more difficult for our children. They didn't even made the decision themselves, but were forced to live this way by us parents.
All they know and understand (if they are young kids) is, that they are different from others, and excluded from the social aspect of sharing food in a group.
This pressure gets even stronger if your child is in a kindergarten or later in school. And you can't even supervise what is going on, when they are left alone.
This all sounds very dramatic, but I want you to be really concious about what can happen, and how big and essential it is to make the decision going raw with your children.
The very best alternative is to home educate your children. Then they are not surrounded by these energies and can experience themselves as “normal”.
This is what we do, and we feel good about at the moment. We have 3 kids, so they also have already a little peer group to relate to.
But this is not possible for everyone and so here comes my tip:
The most important point is, not to put any pressure or force on your child. This mostly leads to tension within your child or even worse. Lying.
You really do not want your kid to lie to you about what it eats, because it tells you what you want to hear and create these feelings and energy that also is surrounded by guilt and fear.
If you have a solid raw food structure in your family, you should just trust in your child. Give your kids the trust they deserve, and let them make their own decisions, and support them with all your energy by doing so.
If they have the feeling of support and understanding from you, it is likely that they will speak about their fear and how they think of them being a raw child.
And if they want to have a cooked lunch for school, you should allow it to them.
I have seen strong kids, who did not want that, and started to set the trend in school, because they were so strong and solid in their believes about their diet, that other kids followed.
But these were children, that had really support from their families, like I wrote here.
But there are more children, who want to join their friends and have what they have. And this should be OK with you. Do the best you can to provide them with the best possible environment at home, be raw there, and feel normal about it, but trust them and let them go when they go to school or friends.
Give them the feeling of trust, and that it is OK to do whatever they do.
If it comes down to family, things are different. The pressure used by family can be so strong. We have experienced this ourselves when we went raw. Our parents did not understand this decision at all, and were trying to convince us to go back.
The problem is even bigger when you just start, because you have no experience or success to built your opinion onto. You are not fully sure yourself.
So our tip here is: If it is possible, don't tell them at first. Do it for some months to built up confidence and then slowly tell them. If they already know and this is creating problems, try to educate them. Try to give them books about raw food and the benefits, talk science. Modern science talks more and more about the benefits of raw food. Use doctors and scientist to convince your family if this is necessary. These are sources that are trusted more likely.
If they do not want to be educated at all, and seem to be very predjudiced and stubborn, please try to avoid to talk about it. It is not worth to waste energy in discussions and fights you lose anyway.
If this also does not work and the opponent wants to fight, you should really think about the nature and foundation of this relationship.
Maybe you should consider drawing a clear line at some point of time and ask for respect for your decision, that was based not on a crazy mood, but on a lot of thinking, research and believing that you do best for you and your children.
These are my tips here, and I hope they will help you on your way! If you have more tips, please let me now via e-mail, because I am very much interested in your opinion and experience.
Feel free to use it, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at www.therawfoodfamily.com
WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See http://www.Therawfoodfamily.com/blog.php
About Ka Sundance
Ka Sundance is father of 3 raw food children, and married to Katie, and together they want to help and inspire people and families to live healthy and a truly magical life.
He also is writer, speaker and TV-show host, coach and visionary.
You can learn more about Katie, Ka and their family at www.therawfoodfamily.com
5 Baring Cottages
Ka Sundance recommends:
„ Raising Raw Children“ by Katie
Getting an overview of what is really important when you are raising raw food children is something raw food parents really need!
Weather you should chose a n 80% raw food life style or go for 100%.
Do you need to supplement your child?
Can I have a raw food pregnancy?
How to make your kids love veggies and green!
Are just some questions Katie answers in her book.
If you are searching for answers and want to learn more about raising your children
in a natural way, feel free to visit our site, view the books contents and get your copy now.
1.What is the Rawfoodfamily up to?
2.Featured Article:
3.Katie Recommends: Brand new e-book :Raising Rawfood Children
What is the Rawfoodfamily up to ?
We have settled down in heaven.
After such a long time waiting we finally really arrived in our raw food paradise. Our diet has changed here, because we have this abundance in exotic tropical fruits we have to enjoy to the max right now.
We are in the warm sea first thing after waking up, and have a coconut with green juice afterwards. We enjoy durian, jackfruit, tamarindes, rambutan, sapotes and much more wonderful fruits during the day, until we have a salad with a light dressing for dinner.
We are in the fresh air, close to nature all the time, have warm sun on our skin, and our bungalow is about 15 meters away from the warm sea, so that the kids can go there themselves.
No need to dress or clean them, because we are in the ocean several times a day, cleaning happens very naturally, and we all wear only shorts anyway.
It is so fair and good for the kids, to be in this environment. They can play all day - no cars are here in our bungalow complex, and we do not have to interrupt them, or tell them what clothes to wear, or to behave in any way. They can just be and enjoy to be.
And this is sooo good not only or them but also for us parents, because we can also be more easy and relaxed letting our kids be how they want.
So it is all so good where we are at right now, and we intend to stay longer in our bungalow right at the beach, because we feel so wonderful here.
From now on - I Ka Sundance- will publish this e-Zine because Katie is busy with other projects. But of course Katie is still part of what I write, and also influencing the articles.
My new TV-Show called www.RawSecrets.TV has started and received a very good feedback so far.
I am also working on his Raw Transformation Retreat in Thailand, and there are still seats available. Come and join us and make the transformation of your lifetime come true!
Love and Sunshine Katie and Ka
Feature Article: How to deal with social pressure when going raw.
This is a very difficult and complicated subjects for raw food families, or raw mums with their children. The pressure that lays upon us from family, friends and socitey itself can be hard and strong, Even for us adults who made a personal and concious decision, this can be sometimes too hard, and I have seen some that were going back eating cooked food because of this pressure.
But it is even more difficult for our children. They didn't even made the decision themselves, but were forced to live this way by us parents.
All they know and understand (if they are young kids) is, that they are different from others, and excluded from the social aspect of sharing food in a group.
This pressure gets even stronger if your child is in a kindergarten or later in school. And you can't even supervise what is going on, when they are left alone.
This all sounds very dramatic, but I want you to be really concious about what can happen, and how big and essential it is to make the decision going raw with your children.
The very best alternative is to home educate your children. Then they are not surrounded by these energies and can experience themselves as “normal”.
This is what we do, and we feel good about at the moment. We have 3 kids, so they also have already a little peer group to relate to.
But this is not possible for everyone and so here comes my tip:
The most important point is, not to put any pressure or force on your child. This mostly leads to tension within your child or even worse. Lying.
You really do not want your kid to lie to you about what it eats, because it tells you what you want to hear and create these feelings and energy that also is surrounded by guilt and fear.
If you have a solid raw food structure in your family, you should just trust in your child. Give your kids the trust they deserve, and let them make their own decisions, and support them with all your energy by doing so.
If they have the feeling of support and understanding from you, it is likely that they will speak about their fear and how they think of them being a raw child.
And if they want to have a cooked lunch for school, you should allow it to them.
I have seen strong kids, who did not want that, and started to set the trend in school, because they were so strong and solid in their believes about their diet, that other kids followed.
But these were children, that had really support from their families, like I wrote here.
But there are more children, who want to join their friends and have what they have. And this should be OK with you. Do the best you can to provide them with the best possible environment at home, be raw there, and feel normal about it, but trust them and let them go when they go to school or friends.
Give them the feeling of trust, and that it is OK to do whatever they do.
If it comes down to family, things are different. The pressure used by family can be so strong. We have experienced this ourselves when we went raw. Our parents did not understand this decision at all, and were trying to convince us to go back.
The problem is even bigger when you just start, because you have no experience or success to built your opinion onto. You are not fully sure yourself.
So our tip here is: If it is possible, don't tell them at first. Do it for some months to built up confidence and then slowly tell them. If they already know and this is creating problems, try to educate them. Try to give them books about raw food and the benefits, talk science. Modern science talks more and more about the benefits of raw food. Use doctors and scientist to convince your family if this is necessary. These are sources that are trusted more likely.
If they do not want to be educated at all, and seem to be very predjudiced and stubborn, please try to avoid to talk about it. It is not worth to waste energy in discussions and fights you lose anyway.
If this also does not work and the opponent wants to fight, you should really think about the nature and foundation of this relationship.
Maybe you should consider drawing a clear line at some point of time and ask for respect for your decision, that was based not on a crazy mood, but on a lot of thinking, research and believing that you do best for you and your children.
These are my tips here, and I hope they will help you on your way! If you have more tips, please let me now via e-mail, because I am very much interested in your opinion and experience.
Feel free to use it, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:
Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at www.therawfoodfamily.com
WANT TO SEE MORE ARTICLES LIKE THIS ONE? See http://www.Therawfoodfamily.com/blog.php
About Ka Sundance
Ka Sundance is father of 3 raw food children, and married to Katie, and together they want to help and inspire people and families to live healthy and a truly magical life.
He also is writer, speaker and TV-show host, coach and visionary.
You can learn more about Katie, Ka and their family at www.therawfoodfamily.com
5 Baring Cottages
Ka Sundance recommends:
„ Raising Raw Children“ by Katie
Getting an overview of what is really important when you are raising raw food children is something raw food parents really need!
Weather you should chose a n 80% raw food life style or go for 100%.
Do you need to supplement your child?
Can I have a raw food pregnancy?
How to make your kids love veggies and green!
Are just some questions Katie answers in her book.
If you are searching for answers and want to learn more about raising your children
in a natural way, feel free to visit our site, view the books contents and get your copy now.
Posted by Ka Sundance.