Why it is so important the have information about the raw food diet when you have children

We all want the best for our children. Especially when you think about increasing the level of your diet towards more living food, you are a parent who is even more aware of this.
The problem is, that there are so many different styles, diets and beliefs out there what the best way is.
Especially when you come from a place, where you are not fully confident with what you do, and want to improve the quality and level of health within your family, things can get even more complicated.
When we started with the raw food diet, we felt almost overwhelmed with all the information. At the same point of time, we really knew nothing in depth.
In our case there was a lot of guessing, trying and ,.. yeah – learning by doing which included mistakes we did.
We would like to help you avoid doing mistakes, with the health of your children.
The absolute essential part here is: Information.
You need to gather as much information as possible on doing raw food (high raw or 100%) together with children.
It is different doing it with children. If you change your diet, you do this out of free will. Children (especially when they are very young) do not have this choice. They follow you, and you set the course.
This changes things.
If you have information about what is important and what not, you can much form your own beliefs and opinions on topics much more profound. It is good to have information, to see different angles of one topic. You need to see different angles. This only will put you in the position to evaluate the arguments and finally make a decision.
The only thing that stands between a person and their own perfect health is information. Empowered with the right information, anyone can improve their health, reduce their dependence on prescription drugs, enhance their quality of life and expand their mental awareness and creativity.

Once you are more comfortable with this lifestyle, because you received and processed all the information, you will be able to make a lot of your decisions based on your feeling. Your feeling never lies.
But when you are new to this, or are doing major changes right now, you need good information to make decisions.
Our children are in desperate needs for a high nutritional value and best quality food.
You need to give this to them.
So please, do good research about the raw food diet, and how to adapt to this lifestyle together with children.
Look also on other diets, other theories, or other raw food mentors and teachers. Open yourself up.
You will again feel what makes sense to you.
I am just saying that it is important to do research and gather knowledge in order to become clear with a decision.
We can be one resource for you and can give you even more. Up until the end of March we give you our e-book called “Raising Raw Children” on a 30% discount. This is because we want to share this important knowledge with you. We want to share and we want to help.
Start all over in a better life. It is spring. It is your time. NOW!


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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your  family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the  free articles at www.therawfoodfamily.com