What can I do to raise my children healthy, but not 100% raw?

We see that there are many parents out there who don't want to raise their children 100% raw, whether this is because of your circumstances or because you simply are more comfortable with this solution.

We ourselves did not live 100% the last months, eventhough this is changing again. (Please have a look at this video I just uploaded TODAY. It is called "Rawfoodfamily food diary August 2010" http://www.therawfoodfamily.com/blog/the-raw-food-family-food-diary-august-2010-127 )
The point here is: It is absolutely NOT necessary to try to fit your family into this little box called raw food in order to experience super health. This box can be so small and unflexible.
And: It is all just a concept.

I think we can agree that eating a high percentage of raw food is something that does help to increase energy and health. And that you can also heal and reverse all sorts of diseases with raw food is also evident. Our personal family history gives proof to that. But the percentage is something that varys so much from person to person.

You also need to take it easy. You will help no one if you set up so incredible high standards and experience failure all day long. This will produce frustration, anger and guilt.

Better you understand and accept where you are right now, and make slow and small but persistent steps in the direction you want to go!
Most of all: Enjoy the ride! Enjoy the food you eat. Allow your children to enjoy it as well.

Do not judge yourself. You do not have to, as nothing ever stays the same. It changes.

So here are some things you can do to raise your kids to be healthy:

~ You can at least give them just raw food sweets. Let's say you decide you have cakes, ice cream, cookies, chocolate etc. in raw food form, and then you will make a dramatic and positive impact on your child's health.

~ You decide that you have raw food at home, but allow your child whatever they want when you are not home. Children are clever and they will learn to notice the difference in how they feel.

~ Stop eating animal products and explain to your child about the animal kingdom and how they suffer giving their life to us.

~ At least stop eating/drinking cow products and use just unpasteurized goats milk or cheese. After 4 years of the children being 100% raw, we wanted to offer them goat's milk to see if they liked and needed it. They all tried some and I didn't notice any unwanted reaction to it. Raw goat's milk has a lot of important nutrients and is much easier to digest for us than cow's milk.

~ Stop cooking meals with fast food ingredients. When your child is really hungry offer them a salad first.

I have a friend who is raising her child on raw food. Her child has to go to nursery because she is a single mum.
Her daughter has one cooked meal a day there, yet is still the healthiest child in the group!!
So as you see, there are options. There are ways and possibilities you can choose to raise your kids in a healthy way, yet still not on a extreme 100% raw food diet.

Of course I'd love to everyone raising their children on a high raw diet, but as I mentioned before: Don't get stressed out. Don't focus too much on the percentage of what you eat. Be with your children, feel with them, eat with them - live and love with them.


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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for their free  articles at www.therawfoodfamily.com