Connection between us parents, food and the health of our children

It is really important to understand, that you are a role model for your child.
That means when you get the connection between living foods and your health , your child will as well!!

So, lets start with exploring our role and feeling the difference:

Imagine yourself, how you feel after a heavy "normal" Fast food-meal.

And now :
Think about a fully ripe juicy organic mango and how you feel afterwards.

Can you feel the difference?
Raw food/Living food is just alive, that is why your child is more alive and never ill, when you feed them a lot of Raw foods.

When your child eats food, that is not full of life, contains of toxins, and you even know, that the food you are providing is not the best choice, sooner or later, it gets ill.
The little body tries to get rid of all the stuff it doesn't need.

When I was a child I was always ill, because of all the chocolate,  and bread and meat I was supposed to eat. I personally never wanted to eat it,I was quiet happy with eating an apple or salad, but unfortunately my environment was not so aware of that.

But we know better, don't we?

So, now get practical.

What does YOUR child eat?

Is it mainly bread or sugary stuff? And does it seem like your child has a sticky nose all the time?
Can you see the connection now?

This is a really important thing:


Like I said before, your child believes in you!!

Living food produces and supports Life!

And children are the best example.

Most children will spit out their first spoon of cooked food but parents will keep on trying to convince them and soon the children  believe it is normal to eat cooked food.

When you are rising your child on a Rawfood diet or on a high raw diet already and you  aren't getting the result, like having happy, healthy children,  you should ask somebody who knows more about it!!

There are plenty of children raised on a "good" normal diet, but they are always ill!!

They have industrial diseases, they have teeth problems, but nobody cares!...because they do everything normal!

Don't think that it is the Rawfood diet making your child ill, or causing teeth problems.
It is just that you not yet know what is missing!

The missing part is the balance! The balance between feeding fruits, fats and greens.

You just have to be really aware of what you feed them and what  combinations you feed and most important, how your children reacts on them!
Please make sure, that you give your children enough green! This is essential, and in our experience most kids eat to much fruit and nuts and too less of the mineral rich green!
Here's are a few facts about greens vegetables you might not know:

- Greens contain more vitamin A than carrots

- Greens contain more vitamin C than oranges

- Greens contain more vitamin E than whole wheat

- Greens contain more vitamin B2 and digestable calcium than milk

- Greens contain quality proteins
See our movie called Raw kids and their food, to get some inspiration on how you can encourage your little ones to eat more of the good stuff

We are not saying that eating 100% is the only solution, but eating a high raw diet is definetiefly helping to increase the health of yourself and your children. Just go with the flow, how you and your children feel! For example:

When you make a cake on a nut and dried fruit base and your child is bloating afterwards... JUST DON'T MAKE IT ANYMORE!

There are plenty of great raw food recipes out there, that can help to substitute the dishes you love.
When you want to find out more, feel free to contact us, or have a look at our new released e-book "Raising Raw Children" at


Now, enjoy your little wonder , take care

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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your  family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the  free articles at