Vol 2 Iss. 14 The biggest mistakes you can make on a high raw diet with kids
Posted by Ka Sundance on Friday, July 2, 2010
Featured Article: The biggest mistakes you can make on a high raw diet with kids
We know this is almost a taboo topic in the Rawfood world.
But we are bringing it up anyway, because we've had some trouble ourselves and have seen a lot of raw families and raw children having problems.
We are the world traveling Rawfoodfamily and have lived on a raw food diet for almost 5 years now. But before that, our son suffered a long time from chronic diseases. We healed all his ailments with raw food in one week and we all felt so much better on this diet. All was well, but after a year on raw food, we felt stuck.
We have gained a lot of knowledge over the years, and we constantly question, change and improve our diet.
We were surprised when we experienced some serious problems with our children after this first year on our Rawfood Journey. And we've met many other Rawfood children around the world and noticed the same problems with most of them.
These problems do not show up right away when going raw. Most families, like ours, experience a significant increase in health and energy when first going raw. When you start leaving out cooked foods like white sugar, white flour and pasteurised cow's milk, just to name the most important ones, almost everybody experiences an increase in energy (sometimes after a process of detoxification).
During this first phase, it is not so much about which raw foods you eat, but about what you leave out of your diet. This is what allows the healing and detoxification to begin.
After living raw, or mostly raw, for a year or so, it starts to get really interesting. Once your body and its systems have had time to get clear, you are ready for the next level.
And here is where new problems can arise, especially with children. Now is when they desperately need the best nutrition possible in order to grow properly .
If you are not aware of what you are doing, you will be treading on dangerous grounds!
These problems include:
* Weakness, tiredness
* Insufficient growth
* Dental problems
* Parents ignoring the problems
* Emotional imbalance
* Lack of minerals
* Bloating
* Lack of vitamin B 12
This all sounds serious, and it is, if you ignore the signs. But if you become aware that your child is having any of these problems, do not be alarmed!
Everything is reversible.
We've been through all of this with our children, who are now quite healthy and happy. And because we've discovered some easy principles to facilitate their healthy development, we want to share them with you.
Rawfood is still the best food you can eat, even with your children.
But you need to be aware of some guidelines.
It is very important to eat a balanced diet. You need to eat fully ripened tropical fruits, lots of dark green leafy veggies, sprouts, other vegetables and good fat sources like coconut, avocado, olives, durian and hemp.
You need to create a good balance with these components.
We often tend to eat too many sugary fruits or fats like nuts.
Here is the place for complete honesty:
Do your kids have at least a pound of greens each and every day??
(The easiest way is to make juices!)
And if you are living in North Europe or North America, you also need to add some superfoods to your family's diet.
Foods like maca, goji berries, hemp seeds, honey, coconut, marine phytoplankton, blue green algaes and bee pollen are important to include when you want to make sure you have everything in place to raise healthy children.
It is also necessary to practice proper food combining. Please do not combine fruits with nuts, for example. At least don't do it too often. (Many raw food recipes, such as cakes, are made with nuts and fruits.)
And most of all:
Don't get stressed out about your diet. You do not have to become 100% raw together with your children. By simply cutting back on meat, refined white sugar, pasteurised cow's milk and white flour you will increase the health level of your family soooo much!
No reason to get stressed out about any of this. Take it easy.
The more relaxed you are about the whole thing, the easier the transition will be, and the easier it will be for your kids to join in.
It's all good.
Ka Sundance from www.therawfoodfamily.com
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Raising their Rawfoodfamily, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all their simple secrets and insights to help your family become more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the free articles at http://www.therawfoodfamily.com
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