The art of trusting your children withy their diet, and letting go

We are living a raw food lifestyle since almost 5 years now together as a family. The kids are 100% raw since 4 years (it took us parents a bit longer to really stay 100%)
So if you trust many of the rawfoodists out there, who say and preach that after eating raw food for such a long time, your system will almost collapse if you put just any little, tiny amount of processed cooked food in it, the we have someting to share.

We already wrote this a cuple of weeks ago, and we would like to share how it developped. Benny(our oldest) told us in December,  that he wanted to try some cooked food again.
To be total honest with you: I was a liile bit shocked about that. You know; We are The Rawfoodfamily.
There was no real reason or sign which was warning us. It came out of the blue.
But on the other hand I felt so happy and proud, that Benny was telling us about his wishes in all honesty and trust.
Of course I talked to Katie about this, and we both agreed, that we wanted to honour Bennys wish and reward his honesty with total trust.

We thought, that it would be best to allow him to follow his desire and find out for himself, what is good or not good.

To be totally honest with you again: I hoped deep inside, that he would taste it once, and feel so sick afterwards, that he would never touch it again.

But now comes the amazing part about this story:

After studying all the raw food experts, and reading books, I was so afraid of the consequences.
And not only that, but we are also THE Rawfoodfamily. I do not want my kids to suffer from bad food. And  I am not interested in eating this way for myself.
It is written in  most books, that especially kids who are so pure after years of eating that way, could suffer fromn a toxic shock.
At least they would get sick, and throw up.
But the thing was:
Nothing happened!

Isn't that amazing? He didn't eat much of it, maybe half a plate, but still: It is amazing.
He deeply enjoyed the food, and feeling the freedom and the trust we had in him. He was gently testing the food, very slowly and with all his awareness.

After this first time he repeated his wish several times. Maybe 1 time a week.

But after a liitle more then a month, he decided to cut down on this again, because he felt for himself, that he was feeling different.

I am so happy and grateful for my littel son! He went through this process all by himself. It feels so good! I am very proud of him.

The bottom line here is, that we need to trust our children with their diet. Of course not when they are infants, but there comesw an age, when we need to give them the trust they deserve and need.

Everybody will profit from this trust. All is good.
You can click here and watch a TV-Show, where I talk about Bennys change and meet him personally!

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Raising their raw food family, Katie and Ka Sundance want to share all the simple secrets and insights to help your  family becoming more healthy. To learn how to live a well balanced and enjoyable raw food family life, register for the  free articles at