Thank you so much for joining our free Teleclass on next Thursday!

We will send you your Special Report called "Kids health check" right away to this e-mail adress.  We hope you enjoy it!


------------ Important note ---------------

 Sometimes your e-mail system accidentally filter the e-mail that you want to receive

To make sure that the information you requested from us are not filtered into your "junk" or "bulk" folder, please add The Rawfoodfamily to your list of trusted senders. Here's how:

 AOL: Place the domain in your Address Book.

Hotmail: Place the domain on your Safe List. The safe list can be accessed via the "Options" link next to the main menu tabs. After going to "Options", click on "Junkmail Protection". There you will be able to add to the "safelist" section.

Yahoo! Mail: If a newsletters is filtered to your 'bulk' folder, open the message and click on the "this is not Spam" link next to the "From" field.

Some spam filters: Place the domain on the filter's whitelist. You may need to search a filter's help for how to do this -- and depending on software/version, they may call a "whitelist," a "good list" or similar name.

Other ISPs: If you do not receive the information you want,  add the domain my newsletter's 'From' or 'Reply-to' address) to your address book or contact list. If that option isn't available, try moving the message to your 'inbox' or forwarding the message to yourself. If subsequent messages continue to be filtered, call or e-mail your ISP's tech support and specifically ask how you can be sure to receive all e-mail from  Follow their instructions for whitelisting.

NOTE: If your ISP does not allow you to whitelist a domain, they are violating your basic right to receive e-mail from whomever you want. There are many other, customer-focused, ISPs who would love to have your business.

It's a shame that we have to go through all of this, but thanks to the spammers, that's what we have to do.

By taking these simple steps, you will receive all of the information you want!!

Thank you a lot

Ka and Katie



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