Are you ready for your Raw Food Journey as a family? 

 -- Then you are right here! A step-by-step plan to become and stay raw as a family--

Do you have the feeling, that you and your family are not as healthy as you should be? Do you or your children suffer illness (chronical or temporarily), lack of energy or emotional unbalance?

Or do you simply want to increase the health level of your family to much higher levels and look for support, because you do not know what you should do?

Well, we had serious health problems some years ago! Our son was really ill and had chronical astma, so that the doctors told us, we would must live with an inhalator every day, and have to be alerted all the time, that our one year old son would not stop breathing!  At that point of time we thought: 

"One moment. There has to be a solution, another way!"

And we found it. We adopted some easy principles in our family life, and the dieseases of our son, and of all our family members were gone within some days, and never ever returned!!

That was almost 4 years ago!


In these 4 years we gained a lot of knowledge about health as a family. We shared our wisdom and became known as experts in the field of family health issues.

We received such an overwhelming feedback from families following our advice, that we finally deceided to create 

The Rawfoodfamily health programm

Now everybody who wants positive change not only for himself, but also for his entire family can benefit from our knowledge, and join this programm.

This is something totally new

This is the first programm of its kind in the world!  There are many health programmes out there, but this is the very first programm, that really pays attention to all the different subjects of your system. 

We discovered, that at 99% of the health problems in a family,  the healing  for the disease of a family member suffering the illness, can arise and manifest, when you pay attention to the whole system, the member lives in!

A family has to be treated as a whole (We mean the people who are close together)! 

Only if you pay attention to the big picture, true understanding and healing can arise.



We can offer you help, that will change your life and the life of your family forever! 

We have many years of experience not only in questions about Raw food and nutrition as a family, but also both have professional education as social workers. That means we have 4 years of training, and even more time working with psychology, pedagogic and sociology. On top of that we made courses in believe management (we are both certified Avatar-masters), solving energy blocks and we are both educated as healers (we work with reiki energy).

We have worked with a lot of families, all around the world giving professional advice and help.

We are known as experts in the field of family health issues.

It does not matter where you stand right now. If you eat a lot of junk food, or you are on a 100% Rawvegan diet, if you are on welfare or earn millions.

The question we will ask you is: 

Where do you want to go from here?  

What you and your family think  your current situation is, is actually the product of past thoughts, and has nothing to do with yourself, or even less with your potential which has no borders.

We can help you to develop a new image of your self, your family, your world, your diet.

And then we will work out strategies together how you will get there. 

And you will get there, we know it!

What you can expect from 

The Rawfoodfamily health programm


1. You will receive your personal health check for FREE!  (Normal price 9.99U$)

  • This is a special plan we created that you can print out and fill in for every adult person in your family.
  • It will give you an exact picture where every adult person in your family is standing right now.
  • That will help you to clearly see where you want to go; which goals you want to set.
  • Patterns will begin to unfold before your eyes, you could not see before!

 Normal price:

19.99  U$

This is FOR FREE!


2. You will receive your kids health check for FREE!  (Normal price 9.99U$)

  • This is also a special plan for your children,  which you can print and then fill out. It is slightly different from the health check for adults.
  • It will help you get a exact picture where your children are standing right now!
  • That will enable you to set a clear goal where you want to go, and which exact goals you want to set
  • Patterns will begin to unfold, you could not see before. New understanding will arise.

 Normal price:

19.99  U$

This is FOR FREE!


3. This is the core of the programm!

   We will send you the step-by-step health programm all 5 days (for 2 months) with instructions about 

  • An easy to follow step-by-step plan how you can become raw as a family
  • How to prepare yourself, your family, partner when going RAW
  • What you can do, that your kids LOVE raw food (also GREEN)
  • Your diet ( That means a clear and easy to follow Rawfood recipes plan for each day for the first week. This will be brought to you as our e-book called: 7 day system - a complete diet plan)
  • How you can handle surroundings like friends, family, school when transforming to a better diet
  • How to manage and organize your kitchen
  • How to shop
  • Where to shop
  • How to deal with detoxification
  • How you can handle the emotional imbalance of yourself and your children, transforming to a new diet
  • Easy and fun ways, to create delicious and healthy dishes with and for your kids
  • Raw food recipes
  • How to handle cravings to cooked food
  • Suggestions about raising, educating and acting with children. This is in line with the newest research and based on some famous experts like Rebecca Wild and Maria Montessori.
  • Family activities suggestions (exact guidelines how you should spend time together in this intense transformation)
  • Communication structure improvement (from you to your children and to your partner, if there is one)
  • Lessons about belief management.
  • Professional and personal help from a family who has gone through that process and has helped many others with years of experience!


  1. Free Health check for you and your partner (if there is one)
  2. Free Health check for your kids
  3. The Rawfoodfamily health programm
  4. FREE telephone coaching with the experts

                           4.  Free telephone coaching with the experts via telephone !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  • We (Ka Sundance) will do a telephone coaching session with you after you received your health check and filled it out, and know where you and your loved ones stand right now. We developed some questions that will help to have a deeper look at your family system,  and what the structures in your family are about.
  • Develop a clear goal with you.
  • We will look closly at your circumstances and will work with your strenghts and abilities.
  • We will work out an individual plan for you.
  • We will help you where you need and ask for
  • Look at obstacles in your way, and find solutions for them
  • There will be 3 coaching sessions within these 3 months. One every 4 weeks. More can be arranged, if you need it!




The normal price for this great programm that can really change the life of your entire family is:

Health check   19.99U$

kids health check   19.99U$              

The 2 months step-by-step family health programm delivered directly to your e-mail  adress  320.00U$

Personal coaching Session with the experts   180.00U$


Total: 539.98U$

We deceided to make a really special offer. Our Rawfoodfamily health programm is only costing  99,00 u$

for the next time!

This is 440 U$ FOR FREE!!

Make sure you book this programm that has the power to change the life of your whole family now!

We  might take it off soon.

As soon, as we can confirm your payment, we will send you the family health check right away, and start with the lessons.

Money back guarantee:

You will get all your money back, if you had the feeling, that our advice did not help you, and your family health and happiness level did not increase significant.






We  also offer a 3 time payment. Pay 3 times 33 U$ !

So you will get this programm for only 33U$ right now!

You will be charged another 33U$ after 1 month and the final 33U$ one month later at the end of the programm!



You better buy now, because we are getting more and more busy with coaching, and might have to take this program off the net soon!

Love and sunshine 

Ka Sundance and Katharina


 Co The Rawfoodfamily 2009




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