-- Get first hand support, information and inspiration --


We want to offer you this special membership program which will not only become part of our family, but also give you the opportunity to tune into the healthy raw food lifetsyle and gather mouch more detailed information. 

For you and your children!

Join our inner circle and be closer to us.
Become part of The Rawfoodfamily!

What is included in this membership program called "The Strawberry club" ?

 1 webinar or video every fortnight with special information about how to live the  raw food lifestyle with children, hosted by Ka Sundance

This includes information on:

  • Become part of The Rawfoodfamily and enjoy the adventures they are living as a world travelling family much closer and personal, than the public TV-Show has ever done. Come real close and become part of this incredible family, that has inspired thousands of people all around the world with their light. (including the full feature film of their adventures in Asia 2009/2010)
  • Tricks to make your children eat more green and veggies
  • How to deal with social pressure when transforming to a much healthier lifestyle
  • Information you MUST know to be successsful with your children on this diet
  • How to avoid the biggest mistakes when going raw with your children
  • Raw food recipes from and for kids


 1 video interview every fortnight with a different raw food family, about their raw food life!

Watch and learn from this very special family interviews which are the first one in the world !

We will bring all the successfull raw food families, or single moms with kids in this membership program, to share with us how they live their day-to-day life with their children.

We will interview normal every day families as well, as famous moms and dads, and also leading experts in health on nutrition, what they can share about raising children in the most healthy way!

Get important information and also inspiration for your family, by watching all these families, and experts living a healthy raw food lifestyle!


  Become part of the inner circle forum

Support of a community of friends is a really important if you want to take the next step!
If you really want to take your health and the health
level of your children to the next level, this is what you need. This is the reason why we created this inner circle forum.

  • Meet likeminded people and parents
  • Enjoy the support of a group
  • Make new friends and contacts here
  • Post your questions, and get them answered by other people, parents  or the experts in the forum
  • Gain access to a wealth of additional information. Articles, blog posts, links, videos that are related to family, health and raw food.
  • You can also post pictures, videos, start a blog, start a discussion, create an event or much more in this forum. It is very interactive.


Here are some testimonials from people we helped:

"You have inspired me to create future raw family of my own! "

" We appreciate all that you have shared and wish you and your family the best and God's blessings always. "

" You will always have a special place in my journey to a balance of holistic living."

" What special special people you are and what an amazing family you have...go well in the future..blessings and an enormous amount of gratitude for being the people that you are and what you have taught me thus far.


Welcome to the family, welcome to the

1 Webinar each fortnight by Ka Sundance about how to live a healthy raw food lifestyle together with your kids..19.99US p.m.

1 Video interview with another raw food family every fortnight...........................................................................19.99U$ p.m.

Membership in our inner circle forum
.................................................................................................................19.99U$ p.m.


Total: 719.64 U$ (per year) 

We offer this special membership program de luxe now for only 9.99 U$ (instead of 59.97U$) per month

This membership is paid on a monthly base. You can join it at any time, and you can leave it at anytime.

Join the Strawberry Club today 

and become part of our inner circle.

You can cancel your subscription at any time you want! Now only

9.99 U$ per month



--- Welcome to the family! ---


Of course you can always cancel the subscription.

If you pay one year in advance: Beginning with the 4 months you can stop at any time and will be refunded  without asking!

But you can keep the book, of course!

If you pay monthly: You can cancel AT ANY TIME




Or pay for a year in advance, save almost 620 U$
+the free e-book

99.00 U$



Welcome to our family

All our love and support to you!

Ka Sundance, Katie and the kids from The Rawfoodfamily

 You can also upgrade right now to the Mango Club which will give you all the features described here, but in addition to it, you can enjoy personal group coaching sessions with Ka Sundance.
Click here for more information

Co The Rawfoodfamily 2009-2010




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