-- Get first hand information, the support of other families, and private coaching  --

We want to offer you this exclusive membership program which will give you the opportunity to tune into the healthy raw food lifetsyle and gather mouch more detailed information;  for you and your children!

You will also be able to enjoy group coaching sessions as well as personal coaching!

You will be able to join our inner circle and be to closer to us.
Become part of The Rawfoodfamily!

What is included in this membership program called "The Durian club" ?

 1 webinar every fortnight with special information about how to live the  raw food lifestyle with children, hosted by Ka Sundance

This includes information on:

  • Tricks to make your children eat more green and veggies
  • How to deal with social pressure when transforming to a much healthier lifestyle
  • What to do if your partner or close family does not like the way you want to change your life
  • Information you MUST know to be successsful with this diet and your children
  • How to avoid the biggest mistakes when going raw with your children
  • Raw food recipes


 1 video interview every fortnight with a different raw food family, about their raw food life!

Watch and learn from this resource which is the first one in the world !

We will bring all the successfull raw food families, or single moms with kids in this membership program, to share with us how they live their day-to-day life with their children.

Get important information and also inspiration for your family, by watching all these families living a healthy raw food lifestyle!


 1 group call via skype each month!

Become part of a group of parents interested in raising healthy children with the help of raw food. Become real part of the big Rawfoodfamily worldwide. These Rawfoodfamily groups are limited to 8 persons, so that we can really share, and everyone can ask her question.

You will be able to post your personal question to Ka Sundance, the daddy of The Rawfoodfamily, and enjoy the support of a group of likeminded people.

There is the possibility after the call with Ka (which will last 80 Minutes) to stay online and chat with other parents about living a raw food lifestyle as a family. Make new connections, share information and meet new friends to support you and your family.


 1 personal coaching session with Ka Sundance

Enjoy a personal coaching with Ka Sundance. Get professional help in your personal family situation from a real expert.


 Get our e-book called Raising Raw Children (normal price 24.99U$)  for FREE!

This 170 page e-book gives you all the important information you need to know, in order to be successful on your path as a family who wants to increase the health level of your children by eating more raw food.


1 Webinar each fortnight by Ka Sundance about how to live a healthy raw food lifestyle together with your kids........9.99US

1 Video interview with another raw food family every fortnight.................................................................................9.99U$

1 Group call a month (8 persons per call)..................................................................................................................19.99U$

1 personal telephone coaching session with Ka Sundance........................................................................................90.00U$

e-Book called "Raising Raw Children........................................................................................................................24.99U$


Total: 153.97 U$    

We offer this special membership program de luxe now for only 99 U$ per month

This membership is paid on a monthly base, and you can join it at any time.

You can pay each month 99U$, or pay 1090 for one year and save more than 850 U$!



Join the Durian Club for only 

99 U$ per month

and become part of our inner circle.

You can cancel your subscription at any time you want!


Join the Durian Club for one year and 

save over 850 U$ by paying 

1090 U$ per year

Become part of our inner circle by joining this exclusive membership program. You can cancel your subscription at any time, and will be refunded the money for the remaining time.


You can unsubscribe at any time by simply clicking the button below


Co The Rawfoodfamily 2009-2010




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