---- “We want to show you tips, tricks, and tools that you can use today, to improve your childrens health by eating more raw food. ” ----
We have something here that we deeply want to share with you.
We know that your children and yourself are meant to experience total, shining health all the time, no coughing, no slimy nose, no illness, and no fear! Just knowing from the bottom of your heart, that everything is fine with you and your childrens health. This is what your birthright is, and we want to show you how to get this feeling, this knowledge back- right into your family! It is about trust. Trust built upon good information and a clear plan for action, which will give you confidence in what you do. This, and not less, is what we will give you. It is a fact that you can increase health by eating more raw food in your families diet, because raw food is much higher in life force, nutrients, and energy. Maybe you have even started to implement more healthy raw food into your life, but then problems arised. It is suddenly not so easy anymore, the children won't eat greens, you don't know whether you should use some supplements, and you find out about the importance of raw food recipes.
Our parents start to tell you, that your children will get seriously ill, and you start to wonder, how you should handle social events.
Suddenly you are very confused, because you want to do everything right and just don't know what to do. You wish for somebody giving you an overview of all the possibilities that you have.
I KNOW that feeling! I've been there myself.
When we started, it was not as easy as today to get good information on raising healthy raw children.
I wish that I’d had somebody giving me an exact overview, so that I could choose what to do.
book was so helpful to me and my family and is still is. We are really
new with raw food and your book give us all the facts we need to know
to start well. Most important... It takes away all the guilt about not turning 100% raw immediately. It also took away all my fears about the lack of nutrients my children could suffer with raw food. It's impossible to think any of that when we see your beautiful and healthy children! Thanks for your good work, your are an inspiration!" Melanie L. Quebec/Canada "The book "Raising Raw Children" was very inspirational for us and also educational. I credit The Rawfoodfamily as some of the pioneers who were guides for my family on our journey. Delicious recipes too!" Tricia Mo`orea, Hawaii USA
http://www.mooreamusicpele.com "Just a big Thank you for your wonderful books they are magnificent" Vanessa Bufham USA |
We are The Rawfoodfamily, and we are called this, because we have raised our 3 beautiful healthy children on a raw food dietfor almost 5 years now. We are very successful and experienced when it comes to eating raw food with children. Do you know why we do this?
We want to tell you how it all happened. Our second son – Jaro – had chronicdiseases when he was not even a year old, and we all suffered together with him. He had Asthma, and his coughing was so bad, that we all could not sleep at night. His breathing was so heavy and filled with slime. We had to use a big respirator machine 4 times a day, for 20 minutes each session, pressing the mask of this machine to his face. He hated it, we hated it and the worst part about it was: It didnot help at all. We were so desperate at this point of time! And then we heard about the raw food diet. We tried it, and all the symptoms Jaro suffered from for such a long time disappeared almost over night, and never, ever returned. This was almost 5 years ago, and we never looked back since then! We found out that there is a lot of confusion out there. Confusion about how and what to eat with children, together with strange beliefs within society about how to raise children. These strong beliefs can put a lot of pressure on you as a parent, who want to change the diet of your family towards more raw food. |
Maybe you also feel a little confused and not sure about what exactly to do.
We know this, because we also felt this confusion, this pressure at the beginning of our transformation.
The key to deal with this pressure is knowledge. We want to share this knowledge with you to help you building up confidence and trust in doing the right thing.
We want to give you with this 172 page e-book:
Nutritional needs of children
Answering the question how you can cover these needs with raw food
The foods and super foods that you must add to your childrens diet, in order to help them be more healthy
A clear step-by-step system (5 Steps of Raw Success by Ka Sundance) on how you can manifest more health by eating more (or 100%) raw food with your children
6 secrets how to stay on a high raw diet together with your children
How to deal with social pressure in school/kindergarten or in your family
The biggest mistakes most raw food parents do (and how to avoid them)
11 top secrets how to make your children eat more green and veggies
2 menu plans that you can choose from, to help you transforming to a healthier diet
6 top secret rules to healthy cooking alternatives
The most important raw food recipes
"Dear Ka Sundance. I would like to thank you from the fullness of my heart. Your "5 steps to Raw Success" was wonderful. It helped me! - keep up the great work - you touch many people & change lives." |
But most of all, we know what we talk about because we do this with three children for so long and gained so much experience during that time.
Many people wrote to us, and asked us to share our knowledge, so that Katie and I finally decided to write this book together to give you the information you want, about how you can raise your children in the most healthy way. |
This book is not about condemning cooked food, and preaching a narrow minded concept. We believe that becoming dogmatic is not a helpful thing for your children either. We need to be open to new ideas, and this is the bottom line of our message.
This is what we want to give you here. New, revolutionary ideas, of how you can manifest total, shining health by slowly changing towards a more healthy diet together with your little loved ones!
We even offer you healthy cooked alternatives, and some good reasons not to go for a 100% raw food diet.
We just offer you a new possibilities, and how you can manifest change.
We will show you possibilities, where you just saw one way of doing things before. A way that you were already not convinced about.
Please see for yourself, how much more information you can have access to, by getting this 172 page e-book:
"Raising Raw Children is a lovely guide for you if you are wanting to transition your children onto a total raw food or part raw food diet. There are beautiful family pictures of Katie and Ka's 3 beautiful raw children throughout the guide. Obviously, any change to your families eating regime needs to be carefully thought through. You can rest assured that Katie and Ka will help you to consider some of the important factors that will ultimately determine your families level of success. Apart from anything, this ebook is based on a families real life experience." |
Introduction and how to use this book ...................................................p. 09
Our story …..............................................................................................p. 11
Our raw food life …..................................................................................p. 14
Information about raw food
Nutritional facts about the raw food diet ….................................. .........p. 21
Is 100% Raw suitable for children ........................................................p. 25
3 reasons NOT to eat a 100% raw food diet with your children …..........p. 27
What is a well balanced raw food diet? ..................................................p. 30
Why exotic fruits are essential for optimal nutrition …...........................p. 31
Durian ….................................................................................p. 32
Jackfruit ….............................................................................p. 34
Coconut …................................................................................p. 34
cheremoyas, sapotes and more ….............................................p. 36
The supplement question ........................................................................p. 37
Do I need to supplement my children …...................................p. 37
Which supplements should I give them? ….............................p. 39
What are Superfoods? …..........................................................................p. 43
Which Superfoods are important? …......................................p. 44
Why greens are so important? ….............................................................p. 57
Is it important to raise children on 100% raw food ….............................p. 68
How to make your kids eat more raw food
(using the „5 Steps of Raw Success System“)!
1st Step:Where are you and your kids right now? …................................p.72
Self preparation for parents …..................................................p. 74
2nd Step:What is your goal? …...............................................................p. 75
Do you want to be 100% raw? …................................................p. 75
Why do you want to achieve this goal? …..................................p. 77
3rd Step: What's in your way? …............................................................p. 78
How to deal with social pressure ….............................................p. 80
How to deal with teachers, educators and institutions …...........p. 84
Set up rules for your children or simply trust? ….......................p. 85
Family …......................................................................................p. 86
Tips for special events like birthdays …......................................p. 88
How to organize a raw food family kitchen …..............................p. 90
What you don't need …..........................................p. 92
Organize your kitchen – 4 things you need ….......p. 93
The 2 must-have kitchen tools when going raw with kids ….........p. 95
4th Step: What you need to do, to start in the raw food life .....................p. 98
How can I do a change over-from cooked to raw? ….....................p. 99
The art of eating: Let your child eat? …......................................p. 103
11 Secets how to make your child eat more greens and vegetables........... p. 106
Juicing ….................................................................................p. 112
High speed juicers …................................................................p. 114
Mechanical juicers …...............................................................p.114
Use your high speed blender …................................................p. 115
Where to buy …........................................................................p. 116
Buying on a small budget …....................................................p.118
5th Step: Receive …..............................................................................p. 122
6 important secrets how to stay raw with children! …..........................p. 124
Good food-bad food? …........................................................................p. 128
What can I do to raise my children healthy, but not 100% raw? ….......p. 129
A day typical day in The Rawfoodfamily …...........................................p. 132
Menu plan
plan 1: for beginners ….........................................................................p. 135
plan 2: for already raw food families who want to improve their diet ...p. 140
6 rules for healthy cooked alternatives ….............................................p. 144
final raw food success check list ….......................................................p. 146
Simple recipes
Green smoothie …................................................................................p. 149
Hemp milk ….......................................................................................p. 151
Banana booster cream ….....................................................................p. 153
Mini sushi rolls …................................................................................p. 155
Sunflower sundance ….........................................................................p. 157
Pepper sandwich …..............................................................................p. 159
Chocolate pudding …...........................................................................p. 161
Coconut snow balls …..........................................................................p. 163
Here is what people think about our book and work!
"Thank you so much for sharing your expriences and lives with so many... "Thank you so much for everything you have done." "Full respect for speaking your truth" "Your thoughts and inspiration have been so encouraging to me. My prayers go with you and your beautiful children. Thank you for all the insights you shared" "You have inspired me to create future raw family of my own! " " We appreciate all that you have shared and wish you and your family the best and God's blessings always. " " You will always have a special place in my journey to a balance of holistic living." " What special special people you are and what an amazing family you have...go well in the future..blessings and an enormous amount of gratitude for being the people that you are and what you have taught me thus far." |
Can you can see now, how much there is here for you to learn?
How much we want to give you?
Because we deeply want you and your children to experience more health and happiness, we want to give you even more.
Much more!
We have linked around 20 hours of online videos to this book, so when you read it, you will see links to these videos, which are closely related to the topics written in the book.
You get many hours of these free additional videos, which gives you a wealth of additional input, on top of all the information given already in the book!
And it is not only about videos - we also share all of our online resources, beginning with access to high quality raw food products that you never get in any shop around you (products that you need when you want to go high raw, or 100% with your children), extending to links to online shops where you can buy raw food kitchen tools, and websites where you gain access to literally hundreds of raw gourmet recipes.
It is about ALL of this and much more!
And because we really care about helping you, we want to give this book to you for only 24.99U$
People told us, that we should charge more for this great source of information we provide here, but we want to bring this out to you that cheap, because we really, really care about helping you!
And because we are so convinced about the value and power of our book, we want to give it to you with a guarantee.
FREE TRIAL Money back guarantee: No arguing, no discussions. You simply need to ask for a refund within the first 30 days, and we will give you your money back. You have our word. No you can't! You can only win. You can win a life filled with more health and energy together with your children. |
Please take this chance now, before we listen to all the people and raise the price.
P.P.S. We want to reach as many parents, mothers and people as possible with this message, and you can help us with that. Help us to promote this book and get paid for it! Earn 60 % of each sold book! Join our affiliate program. For more information, just click here |
Co The Rawfoodfamily 2009