Vol.2 iss. 17 Vaccination for children - Good or dangerous
November 3, 2010First of all, I want to say that we are no doctors and have no a background in western medicine or something like that.
This article is meant to communicate our beliefs and the outcome of our research only. We do not intend to tell you what you have to do or not.
You are responsible yourself to make good choices.
What we can offer you is our personal view, our belief.
Here is what we do: We do not vaccinate our children for several reasons.
As Benny is our oldest (he is 9 years) and our “raw food journey” just started 6 years ago, we where so different when Benny was a baby.
You have to know that Katie and I were so young when we became parents. We met when Katie was just 18 years of age, and we had our first child when Katie was 22.
We felt dependent on doctors (with a weird and weak feeling in the stomach already) at that point in time as we didn't know any better.
So Benny got some shots when he was a young baby, and he heavily reacted to them, as I know I did as well when I got the shots.
But since we are on raw food (almost 6 years ago) none in our family has had any vaccinations.
1. There is no real proof that vaccinations work anyway. I have heard and read about many cases, where kids got the shots and suffered from the diseases they have been made “immune” against later on. So they not only got the shots which have been proven to do terrible damage to the immune system, but they had no protection at all.
2. The side-effects are so strong that sometimes they can be worse than the disease itself. Not only do some of the vaccinations work in a way that they infect you with the real virus, so the little bodies get totally stressed to fight something that was not there before, but there have been many, many cases in which other diseases have appeared as side-effect of the vaccination, some of them with death as final result.
3. The side-effect of the vaccination itself. Some effects can be so strong that people have reported to get in shock and suffer long-term damage as direct results of the vaccination. Damage that is effecting them up until today and for the rest of their life's.
4. The unclear structure of pharmaceutical industry, government and the “gods in white” medical guild who gets paid by the pharmaceutical lobby to prescribe and give the drugs. As long as this structure is not clear and transparent, and billions of dollars can be made with fear and disinformation, you have to doubt everything you have been told from doctors and government. They are the puppets of the pharmaceutical industry.
In addition to these 4 reasons I want to mention that we have been traveling the tropics for a long time, together with our little children. This makes things even worse for people with doubt and fear.
One more reason to do all these vaccination is for protection.
It is so funny and fits perfectly in our modern way of thinking being separated from our intuition and mother earth, that we want to believe that some god in white gives us the magic pill, that will heal us from diseases and protect us from all further dangers. We are weak victims without power and knowledge if we believe in this picture the government and pharmaceutical lobby wants you to believe in!
As we travel countries with malaria, dengue, millions of bugs insects and other parasites a lot of people do ask us if we take for example malaria prophylaxes to protect ourselves, and what our experiences are regarding doing this with small children and infants.
Our answer is: None in our family has ever taken any chemicals, drugs, pills or prophylaxes to prevent diseases. None in our family has been sick at all since we went raw.
You see that is the point. We so desperately want to help you to take the power back to yourself. Back where it belongs.
You do not need the doctors and pills. They do not help you and you do not need any help, as you have everything you need to restore and maintain perfect health.
(Do not get me wrong. Doctors are great if you have an accident and break your bone. We need their knowledge and wisdom in these extreme situations. But only then. In all other circumstances can we and should we take care of ourselves in a responsible way!)
If you eat a healthy diet, do exercise, are in contact with Mother Nature every day and look for your mental and emotional well-being, there is nothing you have to be afraid of- and in our belief and experience there is no need for vaccinations then, as your body can take care perfectly care of itself.
That is really all you need!
This will help you to get in deep contact with your source and restore not only health but also trust, which is what is missing so much in our world.
We do not fear any anything as we take care of ourselves to the best of our abilities.
We allow ourselves to be and create without limitations or fear. We also take responsibility for our life and our health.
This is the key success to health and why you do not need vaccinations, doctors or drugs.
This is our belief.
Posted by Ka Sundance.